Ternero entra a la casa en busca de mimos – Calf gets into the house looking

Samuel es un ternero que vive en Santuario Gaia, salvado de ir al matadero con pocos días de vida.

Llegó muy enfermo al refugio y estuvo un mes con diarreas con sangre, muy grave, a punto de morir.

En el Santuario se hizo todo lo posible para salvar su vida, sobre todo darle mucho mucho amor.

En este vídeo se ve a Ismael López, uno de los fundadores del Santuario, dando mimos a Samuel.

¿Nos ayudas a seguir salvando vidas?

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• A partir de 10€ al mes puedes apadrinar a un habitante

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Samuel is a bull calf who lives in Santuario Gaia. He was saved from the slaughterhouse when he was just a few days old.

He arrived at the shelter very ill. He had severe bloody stained diarrhoeas. He was so ill he was about to die.

At the Sanctuary we did everything possible to save his life, especially give him lots of love.

In this video you can see Ismael López, one of the founders of the Sanctuary, giving cuddles to Samuel.

Will you help us to carry on saving lives?

• Help us to pay the new Sanctuary

• Joining Teaming for just 1€ a month.

• Membership from just 6€ a mont.

• Sponsorship of a resident from just 10€ a month.

• Making a donation.

• Buying our merchandising from our charity shop.