Como cada mañana temprano, nos vamos a pastar con todos y nos llevamos a Celia en su carrito porque no puede caminar.
Samuel, un toro que fue rescatado de la industria láctea con pocos días de vida porque iba a ser enviado al matadero como ocurre con todos los nacidos machos, supervisa que Celia esté bien y venga con toda la familia a comer hierba fresca.
Conoce la historia de Samuel:
Conoce la historia de Celia:
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Samuel is like the older brother always looking after everyone.
As everyday early in the morning, we take all the residents to the meadows so they can graze. We take Celia in her baby trolley because she cannot walk.
Samuel is a bull rescued from the dairy industry when he was just a few days old. He was going to be slaughtered as it happens with all the newborn males. When we are in the meadows he tries to ensure that Celia is fine and joins the rest of the family to eat fresh grass.
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