Corderito ciego se recupera gracias al tratamiento

¡ Jordi ya puede disfrutar de las vistas del Santuario !

Cuando llegó al Santuario era ciego y sin párpados, debido a una enfermedad que le había causado úlceras en los ojos y los tenía completamente blancos y con sangre, debido a las heridas. Hoy ya os podemos anunciar que ha recuperado la visión del ojo izquierdo, y no solo eso, sino que el ojo derecho que es el que peor tenía y con el que no teníamos ninguna esperanza de recuperar, pues está mejorando tanto que solo le queda un punto blanco, y que seguramente recupere algo de visión.

En el vídeo vemos a uno de sus cuidadores poniendo en sus ojos el tratamiento que está haciendo que recupere la visión, se siente tan relajado y confiado que se queda dormido mientras se le trata.

Ahora Jordi está descubriendo un mundo nuevo y todo lo observa con mucho detenimiento. Los milagros existen, porque Jordi era ciego, y en el Santuario, donde con mucho amor y dedicación, hemos conseguido lo que nadie creía, recuperarle la visión.

Conoce su historia en este vídeo:

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Blind lamb is on his way to recovery thanks to veterinary treatment

Jordi can now enjoy the Sanctuary views!

He was blind and had no eyelids when he came to the Sanctuary. He had suffered an illness which had caused ulcers in his eyes. The injuries had produced blood in his fully-white eyes. Today we can finally announce that he has recovered the sight on his left eye, but not only that, his right eye, the one in worst condition, is recovering too, so much so that it only presents a white spot now, which leads us to believe that he may recover some sight on the right eye too.

This video shows one of his carers applying the treatment which is helping him to recover the sight. Jordi feels so relaxed and secure that he even falls asleep during the treatment.

Jordi is now discovering a new world and he observes everything carefully. Miracles do exist, Jordi was blind, and here at the Sanctuary, with lots of love and dedication we have achieved what nobody thought was possible: recovering his sight back.

View this video to find out more about his story:

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