Ramón Y Guillem son dos cerdos de tan solo 6 meses de edad, pero que sus cuerpos han sufrido la manipulación humana para ser engordados. Justo una semana antes de que fueran a ir enviados al matadero, hubo una riada del Ebro que afectó a la granja donde vivían con miles como ellos que murieron.
Ahora están a salvo en Santuario Gaia, donde están siendo tratados como merecen, con respeto y amor. Confían plenamente en sus cuidadores y se sienten protegidos por ellos.
Disfruta de este maravilloso vídeo en el que se respira mucha paz.
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Ramón and Guillem are two six-month old pigs, but their bodies have gone through genetic manipulation to fatten up very quickly. The farm where they lived was affected by the river Ebro floods just the week before they were due to be sent to the slaughterhouse. They survived but thousands of their companions died.
They are now safe and sound in Santuario Gaia. They’re being treated as they deserve to, with respect and love. They fully trust their carers and feel protected by them.
Enjoy this great video full of peace and tranquility.
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• Joining Teaming for just 1€ a month.
• Membership from just 6€ a mont.
• Sponsorship of a resident from just 10€ a month.
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