Guillem es un cerdo que fue rescatado junto con Ramón, por el refugio de animales Santuario Gaia de las inundaciones del Ebro a su paso por Zaragoza, donde murieron ahogados más de 10 mil animales.
Tan solo llevan dos semanas en el Santuario, tiempo suficiente para que hayan creado un fuerte vínculo con Ismael, uno de los fundadores del refugio. Guillem se vuelve loco de felicidad cada vez que Ismael se acerca a él, como se puede ver en este vídeo, que se sienta a su lado para recibir cariño.
Todos los animales sentimos por igual, y nuestro lenguaje común es el amor.
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Guillem is a pig rescued by Santuario Gaia animal shelter along with Ramón, another pig. They were victims of the river Ebro flooding that affected the area of Zaragoza. Over 10 thousand animals drowned as a result of the floods.
It’s only two weeks since their arrival at the Sanctuary, but that has been enough time for them to develop a very strong bond with Ismael, co-founder of the shelter. As you can see on this video, Guillem goes full of joy everytime Ismael approaches him and sits down by his side to be cuddled.
All animals have feelings, and love is our common language.
Will you help us to carry on saving lives?
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► Sponsorship of a resident from just 10€ a month.
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